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A+ Finalists at the WAF Awards

Two of our projects have been shortlisted as finalists for the World Architecture Festival Awards in two categories!

Monte da Caliça is the finalist on the ‘House & Villa (Rural/Nature) - Completed Buildings’ category!

The Refurbishment and Extension of the Architects’ Association Building Proposal is the finalist on the ‘Competition entries - Future Project’ category!

The WAF event will happen in Lisbon, on December 2021, and there we will have the opportunity to present both projects to a panel of judges who will decide the winner.

We’re very happy to have been shortlisted in two categories! See you at the WAF!


Architects Registration Board
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Winner Luxury Lifestyle Award 2023
World Architecture Festiva 2021 Finalist

© A + Arquitetura 2016 | A + Architecture é uma empresa registada de interesse comunitário na Inglaterra e no País de Gales nº 08894061

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