Nestled in the heart of Lisbon, this project aimed to transform an outdated third-floor apartment with numerous cramped rooms into a modern family home. Now featuring five bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a spacious open-plan living area, the outcome is a well-balanced blend of functionality and style.
The project's style is founded on the combination of natural stone and engineered oak, creating a timeless and elegant atmosphere. Every corner of the apartment showcases unique carpentry details, enhancing its individuality. Noteworthy are three large pivot doors strategically placed to afford the owners flexibility in screening off distinct areas, allowing different levels of privacy – from the master suite and bedrooms to the dynamic entertainment spaces.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this residence was specifically tailored for a renowned wine producer. An impressive large stone panel, subtly illuminated, was designed to showcase a selection of the owner's most exclusive bottles, adding a touch of sophistication and personalization to the overall design.